2022-01-27 11:01:13

News 2022.01 - Vienna at its best!

Viennese model building and typical accessories!

Despite a wide range of model buildings, the range becomes relatively small as soon as you look for models that are typical of a certain region. Although many of the commercially available townhouses are also conceivable in a model city designed according to the Viennese model, there are no typical suburban and Gründerzeit houses.





As a small series manufacturer, artbeeren has set itself the goal of closing this gap or at least contributing to it. In the beginning there was the "small Viennese suburban house", whose style was typical of the 19th century. Houses like this one can still be found in large numbers in the inner districts today.

In the meantime, not least thanks to the ingenious design, entire streets can be decorated with the highly detailed models without one house being like the next. Get an overview of the wealth of design options in our web shop that no catalog can do justice to.

All models from artbeeren can be delivered at short notice, even if the "traffic light" in the web shop is currently set to red. A few of the models can already be admired "in person" in the outlet store in Vienna and a small system will follow shortly, which combines the potential of the model houses with the unique cladding system for realistic tram rails!

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