2024-04-30 09:43:43

News 2024.04 - Vienna c3 trailer

All good things come in threes!

We're delighted that you liked the first two half-size models so much! The c2 1002 and c3 1110 models are now sold out! But as we all know, all good things come in threes. And so we are delighted and a little proud to present the c3 1156! This very harmonious model is modelled on the prototype in conductorless condition circa 1973, i.e. after the heyday of the ‘Halbstarke Garnituren’ in Vienna, and would therefore also combine perfectly with an E1.





The c2 and c3 models are based on the famous, infamous Souvenir models, which were painted and partially printed many moons ago in the picturesque Ybbstal valley. Back then, different standards applied than today and so we have more second choice models than usual! After the end of a series, we are now changing the models in the webshop to II. Choice. You can see the original price in the text, we will automatically charge the discounted price.

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