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2022-12-10 05:33:52

News 2022.12 - The Waldviertler

The first new Jaffa since the Ninetys!

We still have one left! But we promise that this will be the last Jaffa wagon this year. Contrary to rumours, and quite obviously, production of narrow gauge models has neither ceased nor is it to cease. The production of the Berlin Reko wagons has been delayed and so we have brought this novelty forward!




The long way of the B4iph/s 3243 led from the Mariazellerbahn first to the Pinzgau, where it reached dubious fame as a savings bank car at the end of the 90s. When this fame, as well as the unflattering advertising motif, had faded, it came to the Waldviertel. There it served for a long time in the green uniform of the ÖBB. 

Under the NÖVOG it was taken out of service and came to the Waldviertler Schmalspurverein (Waldviertel Narrow Gauge Association) where about two years ago it was refurbished in an exemplary and thorough manner by a private initiative and is now finally Jaffa again! As always, the museum wagon was worked strictly according to the original and reproduces the original exactly, right down to the stickers in the windows!

to the product

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